The child sorts the red and the green apples into two identical china plates.

Transferring & sorting apples into two groups

Transferring & sorting apples into two groups

Roberta Frosolini


The child gains experience of sorting items using the pincer grasp.



  • eye-hand coordination
  • fine motor control / pincer grasp
  • concentration
  • independence

Satisfy the need for order




  • Basket
  • Objects for transferring and sorting
  • Two identical plates
  • Tray


Appropriate terms — e.g. apple, stalk, red, green, transfer

The vocabulary is given after the presentation, if the child enquires.


This is an individual exercise. The basket containing the apples should be placed centrally at the back of the tray, the china plates orderly at the front. Ask the child to watch carefully and continue in silence.

Pick up the green apple from the stalk, using a pincer grasp, and transfer the green apple from the basket into the plate on the left-hand side of the tray. Then similarly pick up the red apple from the stalk, using a pincer grasp, and transfer the red apple from the basket into the plate in the right-hand side. Continue until all the apples have been transferred into both china plates. Reverse the plates so that the material is ready for the child.


Offer the child opportunities to further practice the pincer grasp with the Montessori Knebbed cylinders. The Montessori Colour Box 2 can be used to help the child consolidate and extend the vocabulary of colours.

This exercise may offer the child an extension and exploration of apple season along with the vegetative cycle.