The child feeds the hen with seeds using a mini wooden spoon.
Transferring using a mini spoon
The child learns how to transfer dry materials using a mini spoon.
- eye-hand co-ordination
- fine motor control
- finger strength for holding a pencil
- concentration
- left-to-right eye movements
- Two identical hen shaped egg cups
- Bowl
- Seeds
- Mini spoon
- Tray
Appropriate terms — e.g. egg cups, seeds (or name of grain), transfer. The vocabulary is given after the presentation, if the child inquires.
The bowl containing the seeds should be on the left, the egg cups should be on the left, and the spoon on the child’s dominant side. Ask the child to watch carefully and continues in silence. Pick up the spoon, using a pencil grip, and with the other hand steady the seeds bowl.
Transfer the seeds from the bowl to the right into the egg cups, starting with the one next to the bowl, until all the seeds have been transferred, equally, into both egg cups, tilting the bowl away from you as necessary towards the end of the exercise. Reverse the egg cups so that the material is ready for the child.
Provide the child with a mini dustpan & brush or a table crumb sweeper to remove any spillage from the tray or table. If a lot of seeds have been spilt, it may be poured into the bowl from the corner of the tray.
Offer the child natural materials when you set up your activity tray. Natural items help children express their thoughts and ideas as they manipulate and explore them.
Children may have already investigated wood, glass and other dry substances while working with the Montessori Thermic Tablets.
Further Challenges
Offer the child an extension of the topic of farm animals and an imaginative way to care for them.